\120\ Catch Tank Replace Was the catchment tank the only source of water for sanitary needs? Tanks will only be replaced when essential and then replaced with a tank of comparable size as the destroyed unit. \121\ Catch Tank Replace Was the catchment tank the only source of water for sanitary needs? Tanks will only be replaced when essential and then replaced with a tank of comparable size as the destroyed unit. \131\ Sump Pump Replace Price is based on the cost of an "off the shelf" pump to replace the pump damaged or destroyed \112\ Well Surface Pump Repair Inspector will check this item and also check service call. Award for this item will be based on written estimate. \125\ Water Supply Decontaminate Price includes draining of system, cleaning and sanitizing using chlorine bleach. \126\ Cistern Tank Reseal Cost includes labor and materials. Resealing can be accomplished in several ways depending on the type of tank common to the area. \122\ Cistern 500 gallons or Less Price includes all labor and materials based on the type common to the area, and the average local price for a 500 gallon cistern. Was the catchment tank the only source of water for sanitary needs? Tanks will only be replaced when essential and then replaced with a tank of comparable size as the destroyed unit. \123\ Cistern 500 gallons or More Price includes all labor and materials based on the type common to the area, and the average local price for a 1000 gallon cistern. Tanks will only be replaced when essential and then replaced with a tank of comparable size as the destroyed unit. \124\ Cistern Tank Lid Replace Price includes labor and average cost of cistern covers in the disaster area. \108\ Drain Field Replace Price includes excavation, preparation of site, required gravel, perforated pipe, backfill, and labor. Drain fields should only be replaced when physically destroyed or damaged. Flooding alone should have minimal effect on a drain field unless it is washed away. In flood disasters drain field failure due to high water tables is very common and will self correct when the water recedes. \116\ Electric Line to Pump Replace Price includes labor and all wiring and materials necessary to restore power to the pump. \104\ Septic Tank Replace Includes pumping, removing old tank, preparing site for new tank installation, connecting to drain and field, and backfilling. Septic tanks are only replaced when they have obviously been damaged beyond repair or have been washed away. The one note of caution for the inspector is to be certain that the tank is essential. It is not uncommon to find septic tanks that have been replaced by sewage systems and are no longer connected to the residence. If the inspector encounters this situation the proper call would be "Fill Washout" this line item is found in the Access and Debris category. \105\ Septic Tank Replace Septic tanks are only replaced when they have obviously been damaged beyond repair or have been washed away. The one note of caution for the inspector is to be certain that the tank is essential. It is not uncommon to find septic tanks that have been replaced by sewage systems and are no longer connected to the residence. If the inspector encounters this situation the proper call would be "Fill Washout" this line item is found in the Access and Debris category. \106\ Tank Lid Replace Includes pumping tank, installing new cover and backfilling. Septic tank lids are only replaced when they have obviously been damaged beyond repair or have been washed away. The one note of caution for the inspector is to be certain that the tank is essential. It is not uncommon to find septic tanks that have been replaced by sewage systems and are no longer connected to the residence. If the inspector encounters this situation the proper call would be "Fill Washout" this line item is found in the Access and Debris category. \107\ Septic Tank Pump Includes all related costs to have septic system pumped by a professional. Caution must be exercised when using this line item. There is no reason to pump a septic tank if the water table is obviously still higher than normal. Indications of higher than normal water tables are very conspicuous, for example, standing flood water, large puddles and soggy soil in the drain field area. The line item should be used when there is sluggish drainage from the fixtures and the possibility exists that the tank may have been contaminated with silt or mud. \100\ Service Call Service call line item shall only be used when the inspector cannot use the existing line items or written comment to make a definitive repair call. Service call will include the cost of sending a technician to the site and to prepare an estimate for repairs. \101\ Sewer line Auger The price includes all related labor costs for "Roto Rooting". Most commonly used in flood type disasters when fixture draining problem is obviously being caused by an obstruction, such as mud or debris in the drain lines. \102\ Sewer Line Replace Price includes cost for excavation and replacement of damaged sewer line and backfill site. This line item is used for underground sewer lines that have been damaged by a disaster. Generally caused by washouts in flood disasters and uprooted trees in windstorms. Earthquakes frequently rupture sewer lines and the damages is less conspicuous and may be difficult to detect. The obvious sign is sewage percolating above ground. Other clues may be lateral displacement in sidewalks or driveways when accompanied by sluggish drainage of fixtures. \128\ Shower Outside Replace Price includes all labor and materials necessary to construct an outside shower. The only time this item will be is when the outside shower is the primary shower for the residence. In remote areas it is common to have the shower separate from the main residence. \127\ Outhouse Replace. Price includes all labor and materials necessary to construct an outside toilet. The only time this item will be is when the outside toilet is the primary toilet for the residence. In remote areas it is common to have the toilet separate from the main residence. \129\ Shower/Outhouse Replace. Price includes all labor and materials necessary to construct an shower/outhouse. The only time this item will be is when the outhouse/toilet is the primary for the residence. In remote areas it is common to have this facility separate from the main residence. \118\ Well Pressure Tank Replace Price includes pressure tank and all labor and materials necessary to restore service. Well pressure tanks will be replaced when the original pressure tank is either missing, destroyed or damaged to the extent that it is not repairable. \119\ Well Pump House Price includes all labor and material necessary to construct a building to protect the well pump, motor, and controls. The pump house must be either missing, destroyed, or damaged beyond repair. \117\ Well Pump Storage Tank Replace Price includes tank and all labor and materials necessary to restore to service. If damaged, destroyed or missing as a result of the disaster and essential to the residence. \109\ Well Replace Price will include cost for drilling and casing as required, all labor and materials, including, pump, electrical and water lines, based on the average depth of wells in the local area. Wells will only be replaced by the Temporary Housing Program if they are totally non functional as a result of disaster related damages and are required for sanitary reasons, or are the only source for potable water. Destroyed, or wells dried up as a result of a disaster, unless meeting the above criteria, should be listed in the additional column. \115\ Well Submersible Pump Replace Price will include cost of all labor and materials, including, pump, electrical and water lines. The inspector is to be cautioned in making a call to replace submersible pumps until he/she is certain that the damage is disaster related and the pump is truly damaged. It is very uncommon for submersible pumps to be damaged by outside causes. This call should not be made unless it is obvious that the well was heavily silted or the pump ran continuously due to the well having gone dry. An entry in the essential column for this line item will only be made when the well is required for sanitary reasons or is the only source for potable water. \113\ Well Surface Pump Replace Cost will be based on average pump size for this area and all labor and materials required to install and make pump operational. Use this line item when the pump was damaged beyond repair. \103\ Septic Tank Replace Septic tanks are only replaced when they have obviously been damaged beyond repair or have been washed away. The one note of caution for the inspector is to be certain that the tank is essential. It is not uncommon to find septic tanks that have been replaced by sewage systems and are no longer connected to the residence. If the inspector encounters this situation the proper call would be "Fill Washout" this line item is found in the Access and Debris category. \130\ Water Line Buried Replace This line item is used for underground water lines that have been damaged by a disaster. Generally caused by washouts in flood disasters and uprooted trees in windstorms. Earthquakes frequently rupture water lines and the damages is less conspicuous and may be difficult to detect. The obvious sign is water percolating above ground. Other clues may be lateral displacement in sidewalks or driveways when accompanied by low or non existent water pressure. \111\ Well Decontaminate Wells that have been polluted by being inundated by flood waters or some other disaster related reason are relatively easy and inexpensive to purify. If ever there is a doubt that a well might have been polluted and is the sole source for potable water specify decontaminate well. \110\ Well Repair This line item will rarely be used in the essential column. Wells will only be replaced by the Temporary Housing Program if they are totally non functional as a result of disaster related damages and are required for sanitary reasons, or are the only source for potable water. Destroyed or wells dried up as a result of a disaster should unless meeting the above criteria be listed in the additional column. \114\ Well Submersible Pump Repair The inspector is to be cautioned in making a call to repair submersible pumps until he is certain that the damage is disaster related and the pump is truly damaged. It is very uncommon for submersible pumps to be damaged by outside causes. This call should not be made unless it is obvious that the well was heavily silted or the pump ran continuously due to the well having gone dry. An entry in the essential column for this line item will only be made when the well is required for sanitary reasons or is the only source for potable water. \213\ Circuit Breaker GFI Price includes new breaker plus labor charges for installing. \211\ Circuit Breaker Single Pole Price includes new breaker plus labor charges for installing. \212\ Price includes new breaker plus labor charges for installing. \207\ Auxiliary Panel Replace Price includes labor and material for replacing damaged panel, including all internal devices. \229\ Conduit Conduit in the electrical trade is a pipe through which electrical wires are passed. Used especially in areas where there would be danger of the electrical wire being damaged. inundation will have no adverse effect on conduit, replacement should be reserved for those occasions when it is very obvious to the inspector that the conduit is physically damaged and a safety condition is present. \232\ Generator Repair This line item will only be used if the Generator is the only source of electrical power for the residence. \230\ Generator Under 500W Replace This line item will only be used if the Generator is the only source of electrical power for the residence. \231\ Generator Over 500W This line item will only be used if the Generator is the only source of electrical power for the residence. \218\ Light Fixture Remove and Reinstall This line item should only be used when it is necessary to remove and reinstall the fixture to complete other disaster related repairs such as replace ceiling etc. \220\ Light Fixture Heat and Fan Replace This entry will only be made in the "Additional" column. If the combination fixture is the only source of light for the room the inspector should make two entries. The first in the essential column for line item "Light Fixture Replace' and the second in the additional column for this line item. \226\ Meter Base and Mast Replace This line item is used when the service entrance is destroyed on a relatively low structure. The line item includes all hardware required to restore the electrical service entrance to the residence. \202\ Switches Replace Electrical switches that have either been physically damaged or inundated should always be replaced. The entry will be made in the essential column. \223\ Weatherhead Only Replace The weatherhead is the attachment for the service entrance electrical cable to either the top of the mast or to the side of the residence. \215\ Window Fuses Replace Window fuses are screw in type fuses found in either main or auxiliary panel boxes and will be replaced whenever inundated. \214\ Circuit Breaker GFI 2 Pole Commonly called Ground Fault Interrupters, They are similar to standard 2 pole circuit breakers but have an additional safety trigger that is very sensitive to short circuiting. Can be identified by the additional test button. Should always be replaced if inundated. \200\ Electrical Service Check The inspector should include this line item whenever there is a doubt whether there may be hidden damages or there exists a situation that causes doubt to the inspector regarding the safety of the system. \221\ Electrical Wiring Replace Modern electrical wiring will not be damaged by inundation so should only be replaced when physically damaged. Very old BX type wiring (Wire enclosed in a flexible metal sheathing) may be subject to damage by being submerged. Because of the doubt of the safety of BX if inundated, the inspector should call for an Electrical Service Check. In all cases wiring will only be replaced by the inspector when physically damaged. \217\ Light Fixtures Replace Price includes labor and material to install keyless pull-chain fixture. Light fixtures that have been inundated or damaged as a result of the disaster should always be replaced. \219\ Light Fixture with Fan Replace Price includes labor and cost of combination light/fan fixture. \201\ Outlets/Switches Replace Price includes the cost of removing the old device, cleaning the box, installing a new device, and protective cover. Electrical outlets and/or switches that have either been physically damaged or inundated should always be replaced. The entry will be made in the essential column. \203\ Outlet 220 Volt Replace Price includes removing damaged outlet and cleaning box if enclosed. Electrical outlets that have either been physically damaged or inundated should always be replaced. The entry will be made in the essential column. \204\ Outlet GFI Replace Price includes the cost of removing the old device, cleaning the box, installing a new device, and protective cover. Electrical outlets and/or switches that have either been physically damaged or inundated should always be replaced. The entry will be made in the essential column. Ground Fault Interrupter outlets can be identified by a press to test button. They are usually found located next to sinks, lavatories or in laundry rooms. As other type of outlets they will always be replaced if damaged or inundated. \209\ Main Breakers 200 Amp replace. This is only the main circuit breaker and does not include the panel box or any other devices. The 200 amperage designation is generally embossed on the reset switch. \210\ Main Breaker 100 Amp Replace This is only the main circuit breaker and does not include the panel box or any other devices. The 100 amperage designation is generally embossed on the reset switch. \205\ Main Panel 200 Amp Replace Price includes the box, the 200 amp main circuit breaker and the bus bars for installing additional breakers, and all labor costs for removing the damaged box All other circuit breakers must be entered in the essential column of the line item that describes the type of breakers (1 pole, 2 pole). \206\ Main Panel 100 Amp Replace Price includes the box, the 200 amp main circuit breaker and the bus bars for installing additional breakers, and all labor costs for removing the damaged box All other circuit breakers must be entered in the essential column of the line item that describes the type of breakers (1 pole, 2 pole). \208\ Main Panel Clean and Repair Price includes labor for removing damage panel. This line item is only for the labor of cleaning the panel box and making repairs to the box itself such as repairs to the bus bars. Both main and other circuit breakers must be called for by the inspector using the appropriate line items. \224\ Mast 10 LF, Replace Price includes labor, mast and weatherhead. A mast is used to elevate the service entrance wire on low structures. This line item will cover the mast, support cables and other related hardware. \225\ Meter Base Replace Price includes meter base and labor for installation. The meter base is a metal junction box and is part of the electrical service entrance. Inundation alone will not damage the meter base. Line item for replacing should only be used in those cases where the meter base is physically distorted or damaged. \227\ Power Pole Reset Price includes labor charge necessary to reinstall existing power pole. This line item will only be used when the power pole is the property of the owner of the residence. Resetting will include reconnecting the service to the residence. \228\ Power Pole Replace Price includes labor for installing new pole and the cost of new pole. This line item will only be used when the power pole is the property of the owner of the residence. Replacement will only be called for when the power pole is missing or no longer useable. If the power pole also served as the mount for the service entrance see other appropriate line items to reinstall service entrance. \222\ Service entrance Replace Price includes all labor and materials from weatherhead to panel box. To be used when the complete service entrance has been damaged beyond repair or destroyed. \216\ Fuses Replace Fuses are found in either main or auxiliary panel boxes and will be replaced whenever inundated. \340\ Wall Exterior Replace Price includes all labor and material. Includes framing, and sheathing. \341\ Wall Interior Replace Price includes all labor and material for framing only. \348\ Ceiling Joint Replace Price includes all labor and materials necessary to replace ceiling joist (2x8). \368\ Stucco Repair 200 Square Feet. Price includes all labor and materials to repair damaged stucco of less than 200 SF. \369\ Stucco Replace Price includes all labor and material necessary to remove and dispose of damaged stucco and replace with new areas of over 200 SF. \371\ Siding Replace Price includes all labor and material necessary to remove and dispose of damaged siding and replace with new aluminum siding. \326\ Sheetrock Replace Price includes labor for removal and disposal of damaged sheetrock and material and labor to install half inch sheetrock. (Does not include taping, joint compound, or painting.) NOTE: This line item will also be used for all other types of wall construction such as plaster or panel. \327\ Paint Price includes labor and material necessary to apply one coat of paint. In additional column only. \302\ Doors, interior, replace Price includes labor, door, hinges, and passage set. \303\ Doors, exterior, replace Price includes labor, door, hinges, and lockset. \309\ Door, sliding glass, replace Price for this item is determined by the cost of material and labor divided by the width of the door priced to arrive at a lineal foot price. Inspector must indicate lineal feet for line item. \307\ Doors, storm, replace Price includes labor and storm door. \301\ Doors, trim/re-fit Price is for labor only. List total number of doors (interior & exterior) that need adjustment in this item. \372\ Window Glass Replace Price is based on labor and materials. \373\ Screens, replace Price includes labor and material to replace damaged screen. \384\ Skylight, replace Price is based on labor and material. \385\ Window Miami Price includes labor and material. Miami windows are 36" x 38" metal louvered windows commonly used in Puerto Rico. These windows do not include any screens or glass. \367\ Access Porch Fabricate Price includes labor and material to construct 4x4 deck with access steps and railing. \332\ Cabinet Base Replace Price includes removing and disposal of damaged base cabinets and installing new cabinets with countertop. \363\ Down Spout Replace Price includes labor and material. \359\ Flashing Replace Price includes labor and materials. \366\ Stair Handrail Replace Price includes labor and material to install 3" diameter handrail. \362\ Rain Gutter Replace Price includes all labor and materials to install new rain gutters. \358\ Roof Concrete Seal Price includes labor and material necessary to seal leaks in concrete roofs. \351\ Roof Framing and Up Replace Price includes removing damaged materials and installing new framing, sheathing and covering. \352\ Roof Covering Replace Price includes removing damaged covering and replacing with new covering. \361\ Roof Vent Replace Price includes continuous ridge vent and labor to install. \353\ Roof Metal Renail/Seal Price includes labor and any required materials. \357\ Roofing Tile Replace Price includes labor for removing damaged roofing and replacing with new roofing material. \356\ Roofing Tile reset Price is for labor only to reset existing undamaged tiles. \300\ Service Call General Items Service call line item shall only be used when the inspector cannot use the existing line items or written comment to make a definitive repair call. Service call will include the cost of sending a technician to the site and to prepare an estimate for repairs. \360\ Soffit and Facia Replace Price includes removing damaged soffit and facia and installing new. \365\ Stair Treads Replace Price includes labor and material to removal damaged stairs and replace with new. \334\ Cabinet Vanity Replace Price includes removing and disposal of damaged base cabinets and installing new cabinets with countertop. \333\ Cabinet Wall Replace Price includes removing and disposal of damaged base cabinets and installing new cabinets with countertop. \387\ Wood Support Column Replace Price includes labor and material to replace 4x4 roof support post. \378\ Windows Replace Price is based on the labor and material of an average size double pane 3x5 window. This will determine the square foot price for all replacement windows. \388\ Room Detached Price includes labor and material based per square foot price for a wooden frame constructed room. \335\ Cabinet Reinstall Price includes labor charge for removing and reinstalling existing cabinets. \350\ Roof Sheathing and Up Price includes removing damaged roof covering and sheathing and replace with new sheathing and covering. \338\ Repl int 2x4 stud wall Includes framing and finish work. Electrical items priced separately. Privacy issues and additional cosmetic finish work addressed under sheetrock. \342\ Repl ext 2x6 stud wall Includes framing, vapor barrier, insulation, exterior siding. Electrical work and interior finish priced separately. \321\ Remove sheetrock Indicate in essential column only if safety hazard. Indicate in additional column for cosmetic repairs. Address replacement under appropriate item. \323\ Repair plaster Indicate in essential column for privacy walls (ex: bathroom or occupied bedrooms). This is for one side only. Second side will be indicated in additional column. All non-privacy interior plaster installation will be indicated in additional column. \324\ Remove plaster Indicate in essential column only if a safety hazard. Indicate in additional column for cosmetic repairs. Address replacement under appropriate item. \325\ Replace plaster Indicate in essential column for privacy walls (ex: bathroom or occupied bedrooms). This is for one side only. Second side will be indicated in additional column. All non-privacy interior plaster installation will be indicated in additional column. \305\ Door lockset, replace This item is always used in combination with replacement of exterior doors, as well as being used to replace only a damaged lockset. \306\ Door passage set, replace This item is always used in combination with replacement of interior doors, as well as being used to replace only a damaged passage set. \308\ Door, sliding glass, adjust If sliding door is not closing properly, this item should be marked. \310\ Door, sliding glass, 8', replace Mark this item for 8' damaged glass doors. \304\ Doors, screen, replace If App had a screen door and it was damaged, mark this item. \386\ Louvers, replace Total number of louvers that need replacement is listed in this item. \311\ Sld glass door/screen, repl Broken or cracked glass doors should be listed in this item. \374\ Windowpane, 0-6sf, repl 0-6sf broken glass pane needing replacement is listed in this item. \315\ Floor Overlay Price includes labor for removing and disposing of damaged overlayment and installing new overlay. \319\ Floor Sand and Refinish Price includes all labor and material. \316\ Floor Covering Remove Price is for removing and disposing of damaged floor coverings. \317\ Floor Covering Replace Price includes labor and material to install floor covering using medium price carpeting. \320\ Floor Joist Replace Price is based on labor and material. Material required is based on lineal ft. of nominal size (2x10) of floor joist. \313\ Hardwood Floor Replace Price includes labor and material for removing and disposal of damaged flooring and replacing with new. \329\ Insulation Replace Price includes all labor and material necessary to remove and dispose of damage insulation and installing new six inch thick insulation. \322\ Sheetrock Finish Price includes taping, applying joint compound, sanding, and preparing for painting. \314\ Floors Sub Replace Price includes labor to remove and dispose of all damaged flooring and labor and materials to install new sub floor. \330\ Tile Wall Replace Price includes all labor and material necessary to remove and dispose of damaged tile and install new tile. \420\ Blackpipe, 3/4in, Install Broken 3/4in black pipe, gas line, installation is listed in this item. \424\ Ductwork, asbestos, remove Damaged asbestos ductwork, should be listed in this item. \422\ Ductwork, unlined, replace Replacement of damaged un-lined ductwork is listed in this item. \402\ Furnace, clean & repair Furnaces that have been damaged or flooded, not working properly, use this line item. \407\ Heater, wall gas, replace Wall gas heaters that are severely damaged, replacement is necessary, use this line item. \408\ Heater, wall elect, replace Electric wall heaters that require replacement, use this line item. \427\ Propane tank, 500g, replace Use this item for replacement of 500 g. tank - destroyed or washed away. \428\ Propane tank, 1000g, replace Use this item for replacement of 1000 g. tank - destroyed or washed away. \429\ Propane tank, 100lb, replace Use this item for replacement of 100 lb. tanks that were damaged or washed away. \411\ Wood stove, clean & repair Wood stoves that have been flooded, not working properly, use this line item. \415\ Wd.stove flue, 1-wall, 8", replace Use this item to replace a one-wall, 8" flue. \416\ Wd.stove flue, 3-wall, 8", replace Use this item to replace three-wall, 8" flue. \419\ Blackpipe, Replace Broken black pipe, gas line, installation is listed in this item. Includes labor and material. \433\ Buried gas line, replace Price includes labor and necessary to replace buried gas line. \421\ Ductwork, clean & sanit Use this item to show ductwork that has been flooded and requires cleaning. Include mobile homes that require this repair. \423\ Ductwork, replace Price includes all labor and materials necessary to remove and dispose of damaged duct work and installing new insulated duct work. \425\ Ductwork, rehang Labor charge only. Ductwork that requires only re-hanging is shown in this item. \404\ Fuel line, cap off If fuel line has been damaged, cap-off may be required to stop flow of fuel. Use this line item. \417\ Oil Tank Reset Fuel tanks that require re-installing are listed in this item. \401\ Furnace, clean & test Use this item only when extent of damage can not be determined. \403\ Furnace, replace Use this line item when inspection clearly shows unit has been destroyed by disaster. Price will be determined by estimates provided by applicant. \404\ Oil Tank Replace Price includes all labor necessary to remove and dispose of damaged tank and material and labor to install new 250 gallon tank. \432\ Gas flue, replace Price includes labor and material to install new gas flue. \405\ Heater, baseboard, replace Price includes all labor and material necessary to replace baseboard heater by lineal ft. \406\ Heater Wall Clean and Test Use this item only when extent of damage cannot be determined. \409\ Heater, wall Replace Price includes all labor and materials necessary to install room size wall heater. \410\ Heater, portable, provide If the main heating system has been destroyed or damaged, portable heaters may be provided for the applicant. \418\ Oil tank, stop, replace Use this item to replace damaged oil tank stop. \430\ Propane regulators, replace Price includes labor and material to install new LP regulator. Damaged regulators for propane gas usage should be listed in this item. \426\ Propane tank, replace Price includes all labor and material necessary to replace propane tank commonly used in the area. \400\ Service call Use this item when heating systems are not working properly, inspector cannot determine the cause. \431\ Thermostat, replace Price includes labor and material to replace thermostat of same design as damaged thermostat. \412\ Wood stove, replace If disaster damages require replacement of wood stove, use this line item. \413\ Wd.stove flue, 1-wall, replace Price is based on 8 inch diameter flue. Use this item to replace a one-wall, flue. \414\ Wd.stove flue, 3-wall, replace Price is based on 8 inch diameter flue. Use this item to replace Wd.stove flue, 3-wall, replace \505\ Sink Bath Replace Price includes all labor and material to remove and dispose of damaged sink and install new sink including faucet and drain assembly. \506\ Sink Bathroom re-hang If bathroom sink is undamaged & needs re-hanging only, use this line item. \512\ Bathtub w/faucet, replace Price includes labor and material to remove and dispose of damaged tub and replace with new tub including faucet and drain assembly. \523\ Drain line, replace Price includes labor and material to replace damaged drain line. \524\ Drain line, 2", replace Damaged 2" drain line is listed in this item. \525\ Drain line, 3", replace Damaged 3" drain line is listed in this item. \526\ Drain line, 4", replace Damaged 4" drain line is listed in this item. \502\ Drain lines, rout & flush If drain lines are slow in draining & no breaks are evident, this item should be used to resolve problem. \528\ Water Heater Clean & Test Use this line item when extent of damage cannot be determined. Price for repairs will be determined by estimates provided by applicant. \530\ Water heater, replace Use this line item for gas or electric water heaters. Price includes removal and disposal of damaged water heater and installing new water heater. \529\ Water heater, gas, replace Damaged & unusable gas water heater is listed in this item. \531\ Water heater, gas, re-vent Damaged vental system for a gas water heater is listed in this item. \527\ Water heater, gas, repair Gas water heater that is not working properly, use this item. \501\ Fixtures, damaged, remove Plumbing fixtures that are damaged and need removal, use this line item. \510\ Fixture, trap & drain, replace Damaged traps & drains that need to be replaced are listed in this item. \508\ Sink Kitchen replace Price includes labor and necessary to remove and dispose of damaged sink and replace with new sink including faucet and drain assembly. \509\ Faucets, replace Price includes labor and material to remove damaged faucet and install new. \500\ Service Call Use this item when plumbing problems exist, but problem is not evident at time of inspection. \514\ Shower enclosure, replace Price includes labor and material to replace shower enclosure. \515\ Shower, remove & reinstall When shower has to be removed so that wall repairs can be completed, or other required work, use this line item. \516\ Tub Replace Price includes labor and material to remove and dispose of damaged tub and install new tub with faucet and drain assembly. \518\ Shower/tub door, replace When sliding door for shower located on tub has to be replaced, use this line item. \507\ Sink, reinstall Use this line item when sink has to be removed & reinstalled. Wall repairs behind the sink would require this item. \503\ Toilet & tank, replace Price includes labor and material to remove and dispose of damaged fixtures and replace with new toilet and tank. \504\ Toilet/tank, reinstall Price includes labor to remove fixture to enable replacement of damaged wall or floor. \513\ Tub, reinstall Repairs to floors or walls in the bath area requiring the tub to be moved so work can be completed - use this line item. \517\ Tub enclosure, replace Disaster damages to the tub enclosure area that require replacement, use this line item. \511\ Tub trap/drain, replace Damages to the tub trap & drain that require replacement - use this line item. \532\ H2O filter sys, private, repair For private water filter systems that require repairs to make unit operational - use this line item. \533\ H2O filter sys, private, replace Damages that require replacement of the water filter system - use this line item. \519\ Water lines, replace Price includes labor and material to install new water line of diameters of 1/2 inch or greater. \520\ Water Line Buried Replace Price includes labor and materials to replace buried water line of diameters 1/2 inch or greater. \521\ H2O lines, 1/2", PVC, replace Damaged 1/2" PVC water lines requiring replacement - use this line item. \522\ H2O lines, 3/4", PVC, replace Damaged 3/4" PVC water lines requiring replacement - use this line item. \712\ Clean & sanitize (Light duty) Use this item when a house has had sewer back-up or flooding has caused mud to enter the house, causing a sanitation problem. For small areas, such as basements. \713\ Clean & sanitize (Heavy duty) This item should be used for large areas that have sanitary or flood-related problems that require cleaning. \703\ Debris, remove Price is determined by cubic yard. Debris removal will be limited to the minimum required to remove health hazards, protect against additional damage to the residence, or provide access & egress to the residence. \707\ Fence, chainlink, replace This item is used only if the applicant can prove a serious need for the fence; "additional" column would be used. \708\ Fence Repair Price is determined by lineal feet. If the existing fence has been knocked down and applicant can prove serious need for the fence, then "additional" column would be used. \709\ Fence, block Price includes labor and material to install new block wall. Does not include demolition or removal of damaged wall, which is covered under debris removal. \710\ Preventive pumping If applicant has rented pumps to eliminate water from house, or standing water needs to be pumped from house, this item should be used. \714\ Private bridge If bridge is only source of entry to applicant's house and applicant owns bridge, then bridge repairs may be eligible. Use "comments" section to describe type of bridge & materials needed to make proper repairs. Dimensions of all materials should be listed. \715\ Private road Describe in comments. Include all dimensions and construction type. Must be only access to home; applicant owns land where damaged road is located. Damages must be disaster-related. \716\ Backhoe with operator Machine must be used to do disaster-related repairs. \717\ Dozer with operator Machine must be used to do disaster-related repairs. \718\ Road grader with operator. Machine must be used to do disaster-related repairs. Usually needed for road repairs. \711\ Pump out If flood waters are standing in basements or pose a threat to the safety of a house, then this item should be used. \705\ Retaining wall / demolish Existing retaining walls that are damaged and present a safety hazard should be listed in this item. \706\ Retaining wall / replace Damaged retaining walls that are needed as a preventive measure to protect a house would be listed in this item. \700\ Service call triggered by $ amount This item would be used if damages were unknown. A professional person would be needed to address the problem and prepare an estimate to repair it. Items such as electrical shortage to a house or heating systems not operating properly would require a service call. \704\ Tree(s), remove This item is used to list the number of trees needed to be removed. They are either a safety hazard or they have fallen on a house. \702\ Wash-out, fill Use this item when disaster-related damages require access repairs to roadway. Use only when there is no other access or restricted access for emergency vehicles. \701\ Wash-out, dirt, fill Repairs to an access (if only access) or wash-out land (if hazardous). Dirt should be used for repair to pre-disaster condition. \825\ Chimney inspection If chimney damage shows extensive cracks or loose bricks, a safety inspection should be performed. \820\ Masonry Fireplace Remove Price is for labor only to remove and dispose of damaged fireplace. \821\ Chimney Replace Complete Price is for labor and material to install new chimney. Does not include removal of damaged chimney. \822\ Masonry Fireplace Replace Price is for labor and material to install new fireplace. Does not include removal of damaged fireplace. \824\ Firebrick, replace Price includes removal of damaged brick and installation of new brick. \826\ Tuck point Price includes labor and material to seal cracks in masonry. \823\ Chimney cap, replace Price includes labor and materials to replace chimney cap/and or screen.824 \813\ Chimney Replace Above Roof Price includes labor and material to remove and dispose of damaged chimney and replace chimney above the roof level. \814\ Concrete found. wall, repl If foundation wall has to be removed, replacement will be necessary. \800\ Service Call Use only when damage cannot be determined and further inspection by expert is required. \801\ Jack and Relevel Price includes labor and material to jack and relevel house. \802\ Jack and Shore Price includes jacking house, installing cribbing to temporarily support house so other work can be accomplished. \803\ Pier Reset Price is for labor only to reset existing pier. \804\ Pier Replace Price includes labor and material to replace damaged or missing piers. \805\ Jack House & Reset on Found. Price is for labor only to jack house and reset on foundation. \808\ Concrete slab, remove When concrete slab areas have been damaged by falling debris or flooding has caused slabs to crack or crumble, removal is necessary. \809\ Concrete slab, replace Price includes labor and materials to replace damaged section of slab. \810\ Foundation footing, remove Removal of foundation footings would be required if they have been damaged, having affected the integrity of the house. Earthquake or flooding could cause this type of damage. \811\ Foundation footing, reg, replace When foundations have been removed, replacement will be necessary. Usually this amount is less than 50%. \812\ Foundation footing, large, replace Use this item to replace foundation footings that are >50% of the damaged area.. \806\ Foundation knee-wall, replace This item is for use in areas of California & the West Coast. This is a cosmetic wall, non-load- bearing, and is addressed in "additional" column. \817\ Masonry Veneer Remove Price includes labor for removal disposal of damaged veneer. Does not include replacement, which is covered under item 818 by IFG. \807\ Lally Column replace Price includes labor and material to install columns to support load bearing beams. \827\ Pressure Grout Concrete Price includes labor and material to seal large cracks in concrete with high pressure. Large cracks in concrete that require large quantities of concrete sealant should be indicated in this line item. This type of damage affects the safety of the house. \818\ Masonry Veneer Replace Price is for labor and materials to install new veneer. \819\ Chimney Remove Price includes labor only for removal and disposal of damaged chimney. \815\ Hollow core block foundation wall, remove Removal is necessary when blocks have broken or have severe cracks.